Conference hall
The area is convenient for the following kinds of events:
conferences, press conferences, congresses, trainings for companies, meetings, presentations, seminars, workshops, courses, banquets.
Small conference hall is glassed-in and provides a nice view to the close surroundings. Just close to this conference hall you can find a wellness area adjoining a terrace which can be used during the breaks.

Technical equipment:
- • video projector
- • 3D DVD blu-ray player
- • TV
- • laser pointer
- • flipchart
- • possibility to use projector screen
- • Wi-Fi
- • air-conditioning
- • possibility to blackout the windows

Area of the conference hall:
hall: 52 m2
capacity: 25 people
Seating capacities:

Cinema seating
(25 seats)

(18 seats)

Bench seating
(24 seats)